Townsville, Australia Saturday March, 9th

Townsville, Australia     Saturday 8:00 am- 5:00 pm

Shipboard Meanderings....... After leaving Sydney we had 2 sea-days to rest and recover. I am beginning to like sea-days more and more. Back-to-back ports of call or overnight ports are sometimes exhausting, especially in this heat and humidity. Sailing slowly north along the east coast of Australia, we had fairly calm seas with intermittent rain showers, and at some points very shallow water. We were starting our sail through the south-west part of the Great Barrier Reef. By regulation, and depending on the size of the ship or boat, it is required that a certified reef pilot has to be on board to help guide the ship through the sometimes shallow waters, and make sure it does not release any toxic or harmful substances into the ocean which could be harmful to the reef or fish. He boarded in Sydney and will stay onboard as we sail north through the reef, the Coral Sea and disembark in Darwin...our last stop in Australia. He will also give informative lectures on board about his job and the reef. Very informative for us.

Townsville is a small city in North Queensland, and enjoys over 300 days of sunshine each year. It is a popular tourist attraction with pristine beaches and outdoor activities. Now....with that being said, we woke up to rain showers and the warning not to go swimming in the ocean, or walk on the beach. The rain followed us all the way and it was the time of year for the "stingers" floating around in the ocean. I guess the ocean is off limits from November-May because of these very poisonous type of jellyfish. They do have roped off-netted sections that are safe to swim in, but we were also warned not to walk on the beach since they are still active if you step on them in the sand. As we walked off the ship there were stalls selling local wares in the port, which is typical as we travel. We were intrigued with some colorful jewellery made from snakeskin and sealed with resin. Bruce asked what kind of snake and if it was poisonous. The lady was sweet and with tongue in cheek and a smile, she replied, "Honey, everything in Australia is poisonous." With that being said, I bought a bracelet.  Allrighty's time to explore.
There were only 4 excursions offered through the ship today, which were not very interesting to us, so we decided to take the free shuttle into town. It being Saturday we left early since some of the shops might close at noon. But the way I figure it, if a big cruise ship is in port, and as a store owner that wants to make money, it's best to stay open a few hours longer. And they did.....Aussies are the nicest people, and they love a good chat.
The town is very walkable and it has a lovely walkway along the beach called The Strand. A paved walkway with the beach on one side and water parks and picnic areas on the other side covered by shady trees. Of course we had to check out the beach despite the warnings. Yep, there were warnings and red flags out everywhere and no one was on the beach or in the water, but Bruce walked down to see what he could find....he had shoes on just in case. Our umbrellas that were gifted to us by the ship a few days ago sure came in handy today. We were pelted with rain. It was so hot and humid that you really couldn't tell if you were sweating, or wet from the was the same. We were in a sauna again. All along the way there were water parks and picnic areas full of families enjoying birthday parties and barbeques. They didn't care if it was raining or not, they were having a grand time. Since it was off limits to swim in the ocean, it was nice to have the water parks to play in. I almost felt like playing on the splash pad and cooling off a little. Despite the umbrellas we were still pretty wet. We walked to the end and were lucky enough to catch the shuttle back to the center of the city....which was only about a 5 minute drive, but when it's that hot you try and save every step you possibly can. By the time we arrived the sun came out and it looked like it was going to stay that it was really hot! Time for a little shopping and a cool drink. By now "shopping and a cool drink" means popping into air conditioned stores and cafes, even if it is only for a few minutes to peruse the merchandise or study a menu. Or just nonchalantly stand under the fan blowing cold air pretending that you are really interested in something....the locals are very sympathetic and patient. First stop was The Pie Shop. Of course we had to try an authentic Australian meat pie. Steak and cheese it was, washed down with a cold coke. Displayed in a warmed glass cabinet, you pick your choice and your first bite is warm and gooey deliciousness. Yum!
We walked along the 3 to 4 block shopping area "popping" in and out of certain stores just browsing and trying to find that special something. We really didn't buy anything, but we came upon a Woolworths...which is much like our Fred Meyer back at home. We decided to stock up on a few essentials that we needed and of course buy the local biscuits....Tim Tams. They have a huge section in the cookie aisle just for these popular treats. Not bad....but not great.
As we left the store it was getting late so we headed back to catch the shuttle to the ship. As we crossed the street we noticed a young couple that seemed very agitated and upset and we found out  the guy was on the phone to 911. They were standing next to a local man sitting on a bench that seemed to be in distress. Well, the firefighter in Bruce came out and we stopped to see if he could help. Immediately Bruce saw blood all over the man's arm and he went into paramedic mode. Upon closer examination and questions, Bruce found out that the man had just been stabbed about 7 times. Luckily not deep, but there was one in the chest that could be a problem. While Bruce was working on the guy, and since I heard no sirens, I asked the young couple what a typical ambulance response time was. They replied about 15 minutes.....Wow! In a small city I would have thought it would be quicker. Still waiting for the sirens, Bruce did what he could to stabilize the man, hoping he didn't pass out or worse, and calm down the couple who called. Finally the police and ambulance showed and it was time to take down names and get reports as the man was carried off by the ambulance.
Experiencing enough excitement for the day it was time to catch the shuttle back to the ship, have a hot shower, and a relaxing dinner with a story to tell.....And I thought Townsville was going to be a sleepy little seaside town. ......
Townsville from the ship

roped off swimming area on the beach

Water park

Beginning of The Strand



future bracelet


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